Thursday, September 29, 2005

UPDATED: Miss Liberty Update from Greg, including casting change

I know, Red Hot and Blue! isn't even half way through what I'm sure will be referred to as a triumphant run, and here we are starting rehearsals for Miss Liberty on Monday.

Greg filled me in a bit on the show:

"I'm very excited about MISS LIBERTY -- this is a show that should have had a much, much longer life -- so much heart and soul in the script, some genuinely touching dialogue (a refreshing change after the brassiness of Red Hot!), -- and such wonderful music. The score will surprise even those who have heard the MISS LIBERTY cd, because several songs were left off the original album. Sometimes it's definitely Berlin writing in his LOUISIANA PURCHASE "hot" mode, and those were the songs that were left off!"

I definitely can't wait for that! I was in Lousiana Purchase some mumble mumble years ago at the Moon, and that music was FUN to sing! [Wacky idea alert: Hey Greg! You should revive LP next season in honor of New Orleans, and maybe get underwriting and do benefit performances...they're going to need help long after the public gets "compassion fatigue" as one of my buddies puts it.] Anyway, if you only know Berlin as the composer of patriotic ditties or winsome ballads you're missing out! Sounds like Miss Liberty will fix that.

So, there you go, Miss Liberty opens less than 2 weeks after Red Hot and Blue! closes, so it's a frantically busy Fall for 42nd St. Moon.

UPDATE: Seems we spoke to soon with our casting news earlier this morning. Stay tuned.

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