Monday, April 18, 2005

Meet Relative Moonie Newbie: Nancy Dobbs Owen

So let's sing the praises of someone who brings something somewhat unusual to 42nd St. Moon: Nancy Dobbs honest-to-God dancer (and singer and actor.)

I noticed Nancy right away in Can-Can last fall...her first 42nd St. Moon show because she did a fantastic tango sequence with Tom Segal. No surprise given her serious dance pedigree.

Now she's back playing a Lady of the Evening in The Boys From Syracuse.

But let's hear something direct from Nancy:

Question: What's your favorite Syracuse moment?
"There are a few--being really slutty in Ladies of the Evening, a few lines in that song are really dirty which is surprising in an older musical--unexpected. Also, some moments which I won't share, that will be funny surprises for the audience."

Question: How many shows have you done at 42nd St. Moon, and why do you keep coming back?
"This is my second show with 42nd St. Moon. I really like the people."

Question: If you could play a different role in Syracuse than the one you have...which one and why?
"NOT playing a whore might be a nice experience...." [Note: Nancy also played a lady of the evening in Can Can]

So, she enjoys being really slutty, but wouldn't mind a change of pace next time around I guess!

In getting ready to introduce Nancy to the blog, I check out her web site.

You should too. Not only does she have some awesome photographs of herself in her Performing section, she is a self-taught jewelry designer.

Nancy is clearly a high on the creative scale...and she's bringing it to 42nd St. Moon's stage in The Boys from Syracuse.

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