Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Marx Brothers fans online

I've been searching around to find Marx Brothers fans online, figuring Minnie's Boys would be really fun for them.

Turns out there are more online groups dedicated to the Marx Brothers than you would expect, and they're a pretty cool bunch.

Stefan at Marx-Brothers.org put a banner for our show up on his site, without my even having to ask!

Someone at the crazyforthemarxbrothers Yahoo Group volunteered that he saw a concert version of MInnie's Boys a couple of years ago in New York and loved it! In fact he remembers there being chatter at the time about moving it to Broadway. I had to break it to him that that probably wasn't happening this year, or they wouldn't have given us the rights.

There are many more groups, big and small online. Who kenw the Bros. still had such a following? Well, okay, ignorant me didn't know.

You probably already knew this, but the FBI under late director J. Edgar Hoover spied on the Marx Brothers. The Bureau still has a file on them, available via FOIA. See http://www.margieburns.com/blog/_archives/2007/11/10/3345919.html
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