Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Wow..."Mattress" Love Inspires Donation

OK, somehow that came out sounding naughty, but it's really not.

See, we got an email from a couple who saw "Mattress", and loved it so much they sent a donation to the theatre, along with this note:

"Please let the director, staff and crew know that on Saturday, December 18th at 6 p.m. we were in the audience for "Once Upon a Mattress." ALL about it was wonderful!!

When Lea was paging through the script on stage and could not find her place - she ad-libbed, 'That's what I get for memorizing my lines!' - lots of audience laughter! She's amazing!!

And does she know how to 'milk a line'!! Wonderful - right up there with the best!! Bob Hope, George Burns, Milton Berle, Phyllis Diller, and her!!

Have a very enjoying holiday and a spectacular 2005!!

R.H., Burlingame, CA

Wow. He's ranking Lea up there with people that almost define comedy. Very nice.

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