Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Why Do Moon Regulars Keep Coming Back?

Actor Michael Austin (various roles in 'Can-Can') can list a few reasons:

"'Can Can' will be my 5th Moon show, after 'Roberta', 'Oh Captain', 'Fifty Million Frenchmen', and 'The Cabaret Girl.'

I keep coming back because of the money. JUST KIDDING, of course.

I love working at the Moon because Greg MacKellan is so passionate about what he does, and does it so well. When I came on board for my first show with him, I wasn't terribly excited about old musicals. But he's so excited about them, and he has so much to share in the way of archival knowledge and stories of the history of Broadway, that he inspired me to want our shows to be as great as he believes they can be. He respects and appreciates all kinds of talent, which is lucky for me, since I'm really more of an actor than I am a singer or (lord knows!) a dancer, and has always gone to great trouble to work around my conflicts and find a place for me in his shows. Best of all, Greg knows how to maintain a clear and wonderful vison for a show while remaining open to input from his cast and giving them their creative freedom.

Wow! I'm sure Greg's ears are burning right now.

But the buzz words here are the same that you hear about any successful endeavor: passion, communication, vision, mutual respect.

If I had only had that in some of the jobs I've had in the corporate world!

Thanks, Michael. And I'm sure we'll hear from more of the 'Can-Can' cast too.

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